Over the past couple of years, I’ve written some pretty dark (but hopefully dark-but-there’s-still-light) posts about Mother’s Day. I was struggling so much with the relationship that the only thing I knew how to do was to expel it from…
My Miscarriage: Two Year Anniversary
Was my miscarriage meant to happen? Sure f*cking hope not. Or does the universe have a way of working things out?
10 (Sad) Things I Did This Mother’s Day
After going through yet another difficult Mother’s Day season this year, it dawned on me today that I did a lot of unconventional things around this holiday. And no, one of them wasn’t watching JLo’s new Netflix movie, The Mother.
top 5 ballet books for toddlers (girls + boys!)
I have a niece who’s obsessed with ballet. For Christmas last year, I tried Googling ballet books but couldn’t find a solid list, so I ended getting her something from Costco. Yep. After going through a plethora of books with…
what to expect when you’re (no longer) expecting: a guide to miscarriage
TL;DR this is an uncomprehensive guide to miscarriage told from my personal perspective. I hope you read it, just so you know what others have been through, but never need to refer to it. Today was the official due date…
losing someone from your past
Losing a cherished (god)parent is one thing, but how are you supposed to feel about losing someone from your past you hadn’t thought about or seen in a long time? Loss isn’t Equal, but Pain is Pain Your experiences with…