Was my miscarriage meant to happen? Sure f*cking hope not. Or does the universe have a way of working things out?
Friend Breakups: How to Know When to Leave (excerpt by Lane Moore)
This piece on friend breakups by Lane Moore resonated with me so much, I’m sharing an excerpt here.
No Longer Friends? 10 Ways to Grieve Adult Friendships
I’ve been struggling with these questions myself for quite a few years now, and recently went through the grieving process. It hurt like hell but it cleared years of internal struggle.
what to expect when you’re (no longer) expecting: a guide to miscarriage
TL;DR this is an uncomprehensive guide to miscarriage told from my personal perspective. I hope you read it, just so you know what others have been through, but never need to refer to it. Today was the official due date…
losing someone from your past
Losing a cherished (god)parent is one thing, but how are you supposed to feel about losing someone from your past you hadn’t thought about or seen in a long time? Loss isn’t Equal, but Pain is Pain Your experiences with…
does mother’s day trigger you? read this
Mother’s Day, an Awkward Parental Commemoration Day Warning: This is a TLDR kinda post. Skip to the end if you want tips on how to get through Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day. Yikes. It’s that time of year again when all…
process your grief with this 90s playlist
When grief strikes, I instinctively reach for Youtube and play my go-to sad songs, on repeat. Now I’m not saying I have good taste in music, ‘cuz I’ve just been eating up all the sugary pop cereal they’ve been feeding us…
5 (low-cost) ways to move through grief
Recently I experienced a life-changing loss. Death is so common, yet we don’t expect it, don’t mentally prepare for it. I’ve been going through the ups and downs, in a reactive way. Someone would post on social media and I’d…